Friday, December 23, 2016

Art for Winter

Here is some recent artwork that I did during the sumer and fall of 2016.

Autumn on the Mississippi - Oil on Canvas 18 x 24 in

Water Purifiers - Oil on Canvas 30 x 40 in

Pilsbury at Night - Oil on Canvas 18 x 24 in

Sunday, June 5, 2016

So Much Art, So Few Connections

Because I am establishing myself in a new city and state, I have to start all over again.  Fortunately, I am beginning to make connections with my Sunday afternoon figure drawing group.

Oranges and Tomato  11 x 15 in Watercolor

Grain Bin  30 x 30 in  Oil on Canvas

Bedroom  20 x 30 Oil on Canvas

Bridge over Mississippi 12 x 12 in  Oil on Canvas

Tangelos  11 x 15 in  Watercolor

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Art for Arts Sake

It has been awhile since I've posted some artwork.  Enjoy the paintings done in Minneapolis, where I now reside.

Lamp Post  11 x 14 in  Watercolor

Dentist Office 11 x 14 in  Watercolor

Store by Smokestack 12 x 12 in Oil on Canvas

Lighthouse on Boom Island 12 x 12 in. Oil on Canvas

House on 23rd  9 x 12 in Watercolor

Nude on Footstool 24 x 18 in. Oil on Canvas